Product introduction
1, 产品标准:standard
GB/T 14049-2008 and IEC60502
2, 用途 usage:
本产品适用于交流 10KV 及以下绝缘架空电力线路
This product is suitable for use in rated AC voltage 10kv and below insulated overhead power
cable lines.
3, 使用特性:property for use
A. 额定电压: Rated voltage: 0.6/1kv
B. 电缆导体的允许长期工作不超过温度:
聚氯乙烯,聚乙烯绝缘应不超过 70 0C.
交联聚乙烯绝缘应不超过 90 0C.
Long-term allowable working temperature of conductor:
PE, PVC insulated cable should not exceed 70 0C
XLPE insulated cable should not exceed 90 0C
C. 短路时(最长持续时间不超过 5 秒)电缆导体的最高温度应不超过:
高密度聚乙烯绝缘架空电缆:150 oC
交联聚乙烯绝缘架空电缆:250 oC
Maximum operating temperature of the conductor during short circuit (less than 5S)shall not
HDPE insulated aerial cable: 150 oC
XLPE insulated aerial cable: 250 oC
D. 电缆敷设时环境温度应不低于-20 oC
Temperature for laying cables should be not less than -20 oC.
E. 允许弯曲半径: Allowed bending radius of cable:
单芯电缆:应不小于电缆外径的 20 倍
多芯电缆:应不小于电缆外径的 15 倍
Single cable: not less than 20 times of the diameter of cables;
Multi-core cable: not less than 15 times of the diameter of cables.
3, 规格: Specifications
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